Harta: Amanah yang menjadi pahala atau ujian?

Harta adalah amanah yang perlu diurus dengan penuh tanggungjawab. Namun, ia juga boleh menjadi fitnah jika disalahgunakan. Ketahui dengan lebih lanjut bagaimana anda boleh melindungi orang tersayang dan elak pertelingkahan keluarga dalam pembahagian harta.
Pakej Khairat Pusaka Al- Wasitah

Khidmat profesional dengan penjimatan kos sehingga 90%

Pastikan harta pusaka yang di tinggalkan diurus dengan baik (tidak dibekukan dan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh waris), serta elakkan waris mengambil hak yang bukan miliknya atau menzalimi hak waris lain.

Proses tuntutan pusaka di Pejabat Pusaka Kecil dan Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil tanpa caj kepada waris.




Peace of mind dengan adanya Syarikat Amanah iaitu pihak ke3 yg tidak berkepentingan memantau pengurusan dan pembahagian pusaka.


Tahun Operasi


Bilion (RM) aset di bawah Perwarisan


Juta (RM) Nilai Harta Pusaka yang telah dibantu urus dan diterima oleh waris-waris pelanggan


Kes Pusaka telah berjaya diselesaikan

Urus Pusaka Tertangguh Tanpa Stres - Saya tahu caranya!

Menguruskan pusaka boleh menjadi satu proses yang rumit dan membebankan. Ramai waris stuck kerana tidak tahu cara yang betul, terlalu sibuk dengan urusan harian, atau tertekan dengan sistem perundangan yang terlalu kompleks. 

Harta pusaka yang tidak diuruskan boleh menyebabkan banyak masalah termasuk pertikaian keluarga dan kerugian harta.

Saya faham kesulitan ini dan pastinya saya ada penyelesaian!

Wasiyyah Shoppe Berhad sebagai pakar yang berpengalaman, akan uruskan semua aspek pengurusan pusaka ahli keluarga anda dari A hingga Z. Serahkan beban ini pada kami. Anda boleh fokus pada kehidupan seharian, sementara kami menyelesaikan urusan pusaka anda dengan profesional dan efisien.

Solusi terbaik dengan asas ilmu dan integriti

Sebagai seorang perunding terlatih, saya sentiasa komited dalam mencari penyelesaian terbaik yang bukan sahaja praktikal, juga patuh undang-undang serta selari dengan prinsip moral.

Saya percaya bahawa pengetahuan dan kepakaran harus sentiasa dikemas kini untuk kekal relevan. Dalam bidang perwarisan yang dinamik, saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan terkini untuk memastikan setiap nasihat yang diberi adalah berdasarkan ilmu yang sahih dan tepat.

Bongkar rahsia strategi perancangan harta !

Perancangan harta yang berkesan adalah kunci untuk memastikan harta seseorang diuruskan dengan baik dan diwarisi mengikut kehendak.

Pengalaman mereka, inspirasi untuk anda.

Setiap testimoni adalah bukti nyata komitmen saya terhadap kepercayaan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Dengan dedikasi dan layanan terbaik, maklum balas anda menjadi dorongan untuk saya terus meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan yang diberikan.

December 9, 2024

This is Gregory Stewart from Wyoming. We’d like to offer your business a loan to kick off the new year, to use for whatever you need. We’re reaching out to a few local companies and I just wanted to see if we can help at all. Please take a look the details I put on our page here –

All the best,

Gregory Stewart – Owner

Fast Money Locator, LLC

November 26, 2024

Winston here from Iowa. I’m always watching to see what newer sites are going up and I just wanted to see if you would like an extra hand with getting some targeted traffic, Create custom AI bots to answer questions from visitors on your site or walk them through a sales process/funnel – I could even make a persona of yourself or employee to field questions about your business. I create/edit videos/images/adcopy, create/revamp/update sites, remove negative listings, the list goes on. I’ll even shoulder 90% of the costs, dedicating my time and tools that I’ve created myself and bought over the years. I’ve been doing this for over 22 years, helped thousands of people and have loved every minute of it.

There’s virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at 99 a month. I don’t mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand.

Brief history, I’ve been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I’m married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I’ve built and learned over the years, I can’t think of a better win-win.

It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I’d love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don’t want to pester you.

PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief 🙂

All the best,


Cell – 1-319-435-1790‬

My Site (w/Live Chat) –

November 20, 2024

Winston here from Iowa. I’m always watching to see what newer sites are going up and I just wanted to see if you would like an extra hand with getting some targeted traffic, Create custom AI bots to answer questions from visitors on your site or walk them through a sales process/funnel – I could even make a persona of yourself or employee to field questions about your business. I create/edit videos/images/adcopy, create/revamp/update sites, remove negative listings, the list goes on. I’ll even shoulder 90% of the costs, dedicating my time and tools that I’ve created myself and bought over the years. I’ve been doing this for over 22 years, helped thousands of people and have loved every minute of it.

There’s virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at 99 a month. I don’t mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand.

Brief history, I’ve been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I’m married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I’ve built and learned over the years, I can’t think of a better win-win.

It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I’d love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don’t want to pester you.

PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief 🙂

All the best,


Cell – 1-319-435-1790‬

My Site (w/Live Chat) –

November 10, 2024

Winston here from Iowa. I’m always watching to see what newer sites are going up and I just wanted to see if you would like an extra hand with getting some targeted traffic, Create custom AI bots to answer questions from visitors on your site or walk them through a sales process/funnel – I could even make a persona of yourself or employee to field questions about your business. I create/edit videos/images/adcopy, create/revamp/update sites, remove negative listings, the list goes on. I’ll even shoulder 90% of the costs, dedicating my time and tools that I’ve created myself and bought over the years. I’ve been doing this for over 22 years, helped thousands of people and have loved every minute of it.

There’s virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at 99 a month. I don’t mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand.

Brief history, I’ve been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I’m married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I’ve built and learned over the years, I can’t think of a better win-win.

It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I’d love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don’t want to pester you.

PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief 🙂

All the best,


Cell – 1-319-435-1790‬

My Site (w/Live Chat) –

October 23, 2024

Proses wasiat dan hibah yang agak mengambil masa dan ketelitian amat diperlukan. Namun, dengan sikap professional dan komited Pn Ain, Alhamdulilah segalanya berjalan lancar. Saya berpuas hati. Highly Recommended. Semoga Allah memberkati apa yang kita saling usahakan.

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